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Analytics Audit – Reliable Data aligned with your Business Strategy
trantorindia | Updated: April 23, 2021
While progressing forward with digital marketing you will acknowledge that data is your best friend. For most e-businesses, data is abundant and virtually free. Taking data-driven decisions is now simpler than ever, thanks to excellent Analytics tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and others. But just having these tools implemented is not enough, implementing them correctly to have accurate analytics data- which leads to recognizing the substantial value of your investment is more relevant.
Are you able to trust your analytics data to make smarter business decisions? Are you keeping track of what you need to assess against your company’s goals? Does the data look too good or too bad to be true? Is it possible to accurately quantify the return on investment (ROI) through all marketing channels?
An Analytics Audit is the next logical step if you’re looking for these answers
Companies utilizing web Analytics tools strive to have their implementation achieve the most relevant pieces of data to suffice website objectives. An audit of analytics tools is often the first step to gauge the business’s analytics maturity. In plain words, an Analytics audit is a process of analyzing the current implementation and identifying the gaps and improvement opportunities.
- Identify loopholes in Digital Analytics Strategy
- Tag Validation
- Validation of Data Layer variables
- Identify Technical Implementation issues
- Report possible Data Leakage
- Validation of reporting setup/data
- Identify data compliance issues

Why an Audit acts as a healer to your analytics ecosystem?
We all acknowledge that Analytics Data is a blessing for businesses across industries, but it adds to the next level if we ensure that this data is most efficient and can be utilized to its best. Let’s check out few instances where analytics audit is a necessity

When Do You Need An Analytics Audit?
- A Recent Makeover/Redesign Of Your Website/App –Change made to the user experience of the website/app demands alteration in analytics implementation strategy too. You must evolve your analytics implementation alongside your website or app.
- Data Mismatches Between Web Analytics And CRM Systems –At times we notice a lot of variation in analytics reports and CRM systems, performing an audit helps us to bridge the gap.
- Implementation Is No Longer Aligned With Business Objective –Dynamic nature of the business can be nurtured with periodical analytics auditing to align with the current business goals.
- Conversion & Transactional Data Misaligned With Actual Business Performance –Dispute between the actual revenue and conversion data present in reports can be fixed by performing an audit.
- Variation In Marketing Channel Performance Data –Mismatch in marketing channel reports of analytics tools and other third-party systems can be rectified by audit.
- Malign Or No Data In Reports –Reports with missing or partial data require continuous vigilance over reports and accurate implementation.
- Depreciated/Outdated Implementation In Place –Best practices with the latest methodology available will bring out the best in your analytics implementation.
In a fix where to start from? Trantor has partnered with businesses globally to audit their analytics tool- from Google Analytics to Adobe Analytics, you can bank upon us. We engage with our valued customers on an ongoing basis and help their businesses evolve.